The Scapulohumeral Rhythm - Biomechanics #3

   There are several reasons why the scapulohumeral rhythm has clinical relevance. The first reason would be that it allows the muscles involved to be in an optimal length tension relationship. The kinetic relationship between the scapula and the humerus must be synchronized. It allows the motion to be shared between two joints. It allows for joint congruency for the reduction of shear forces. The ratio of movement for the scapulothoracic joint is 1:3 and the ratio of movement for the glenohumeral joint is 2:3 for a full 180°. Therefore, if the client is in the proper position, there should be 60° for upward rotation of the scapula and 120° for the glenohumeral joint. The subacromial space has to be maintained for for proper upward scapular rotation. If the subacromial space is not maintained it can cause impingement which can lead to injury and/or pain for the client. If the scapula and the humerus are not moving properly it can likely lower the joint's ROM. 


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