ROM and MMT - Biomechanics #2

   There are many reasons why bony landmarks and proper positioning are keys parts in measuring ROM. It is important to use bony landmarks for measuring ROM because we want to be as accurate as possible when we align the goniometer when checking ROM. Bony landmarks are reference points for the therapist. Proper positioning is important because we want to have accuracy and validity when measuring ROM. If the client is not in the proper position it can affect the reading of ROM on the goniometer. Bony landmarks and proper positioning also help with intrarater and interrater reliability. Proper positioning makes sure the client is secure and comfortable.

   The purpose of the "test position" in MMT is to make sure that the position the client is in is one that is for optimal muscle contraction. In order to do MMT, we must see how much muscle strength the client has; therefore, we have to be sure to have the client in the proper test position to see optimal strength. Stabilization is crucial in the test position. Some clients may not be able to move any muscles against gravity. In these cases, it would be better to position the client so that the muscles can be tested in gravity eliminated. In gravity eliminated positioning, it is helpful to the client to support the weight of their muscles and to stabilize the muscle origins. Gravity eliminated positioning helps support clients who do not have adequate ROM and this positioning makes it easier for them to perform the motion they are attempting.


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