How OT’s Can Make A Difference For People With Diabetes

   After listening to the podcast on Diabetes Management by the Glass Half Full OT I took away several points on how OT’s can contribute to society to make a difference for people with diabetes or pre-diabetics. I chose the topic of diabetes management because I have seen first hand how diabetes have impacted my family members if it’s not managed correctly. I think it is important for me, as a future OT, to learn strategies that can help people with diabetes manage their lives to the best of their ability. Some key points I took from the podcast episode was medication management, time and schedule modifications, food management, and peer support. OT’s can help with incorporating a medication and food schedule into someone’s daily routine since insulin regulation is such a huge part of diabetes. It would also be beneficial to educate clients on how to read labels at a grocery store and how to navigate through a store; for example, avoid the middle aisles since that’s where most of the junk food resides and to only shop on the outer borders of the store because that’s where most of the healthy produce resides.
   It also could be helpful to the client if the OT helps them work on a self-care routine since wound healing can be slower for people with diabetes. Wound management and education on how to do skin checking would be helpful for the clients. Providing resources for dietitians, exercise programs, and group support would also be useful for the client. I know from experience knowing someone who had diabetes, food choices were  the biggest struggle to overcome and if an OT was available to help provide education on food and better alternatives it would have made a difference in diabetes management. Coping skills and a group support system could be very encouraging for someone who has diabetes so that they don’t feel alone and that they can manage their feelings in a better way especially if they do emotional eating. I learned that OT’s can make a huge contribution to the well being of people with diabetes by simply educating them and providing good resources and support.


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