Knowledge Check - Health Literacy

   I learned many things about health promotion, literacy, and prevention during Dr. Flick’s lecture. One thing that I took away from the lecture were the different types of prevention interventions. There is primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention interventions. I learned that hospital’s aim for primary prevention because it’s best to prevent the disease or injury all together. The secondary intervention is when the impact from the disease or injury is reduced. An example of this would be to work with someone who is a pre-diabetic and to help them manage ways they can keep themselves healthier to prevent diabetes from emerging. The tertiary intervention is limiting the impact of the disease or injury. I also found it interesting that a study was done by epidemiologists to find the most cost efficient profession and that OT ranked #1. It really shows that OT’s can make a difference in client readmission to the hospital and that our speciality represents holistic, effective, and affordable healthcare.


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