Removing Makeup in Biomechanics

  Each day I remove my makeup in my daily routine. I have my arms in neutral position as a starting point and then I proceed to bring my hands to my face which is the end point. The motion that occurred is flexion. Flexion occurs when I bring the makeup wipe to my face. The plane of motion for the wrist joint when wiping my face is the frontal plane and the sagittal axis. The plane of motion when bringing the wipe to my face is the sagittal plane and the frontal axis. The osteokinematics of elbow is flexion and it is an open kinematic chain. In arthrokinematics in the elbow, the trochlea of the humerus is convex and it rolls anteriorly in the same direction on the concave surface of the radius. The prime movers of this motion are the biceps and it is a concentric muscle activation.


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