Post-Interview Reflection
- How do you feel the interview went overall?
- I feel like when starting the interview I was nervous but after the first question, I became more relaxed. I think that overall the interview went well and it wasn't as daunting as I presumed.
- How did you prepare for the interview?
- To prepare for the interview I looked at some of the resources provided to us and also I went to OT Miri's site where she has an interview tips page. I also read up on my resume to refresh my memory on my experiences and I also did some reflection and had to think about new skills that I have obtained since starting OT school.
- OT Miri:
- What, if anything, went differently than you expected?
- It went differently in that I wasn't as nervous as I thought I would be and that the answers to the interview questions came easier than I expected. I believe this is because I have gained some experience now where I feel more confident in sharing those experiences and how they will shape me as a future OT.
- What's something you would change if you could go through this process again (or something you'll do differently when you're in a real-life interview situation)?
- I would change how I answered the first question when asked to tell a little about myself. I never know how to answer this question even when I look at examples. I wish I would have added more about my experience in working in pediatrics and also about when I was an intern because it is the reason why I wanted to pursue my career in pediatric OT. I also wish I would have added how I was involved in RKS. I think it would have made this answer more rich and personal.
- What's something you learned during this process that may be helpful to you as you prepare to enter the workforce as an OT practitioner?
- I have learned that I need to continue to prepare beforehand so that I do not forget key points that I wanted to make in the interview. I also learned I need to emphasize my OT identity because it will make me stand out from the rest.
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