Peds SIM Encounter

·      How do you think the SIM encounter went overall? Provide a rationale.
o   I think overall the SIM encounter went well because I took into account my reflection from the last time and tried to apply it to this SIM encounter. I wanted to be less rehearsed with the client and tried to do that this time around.
·      What would you do differently if you were given the opportunity for a do-over in the SIM lab?
o   If I could have a do-over I would try to be more personable with the parent. She seemed as if she was a bit stressed out with some of her body language and I would have asked her if she was doing okay. I also would try to make sure she was understanding what I was explaining to her by having her repeat what I just said.
·      Provide 2 specific examples of how an attitude of caring can be communicated to a client/caregiver by an OT student.
o   An example of a caring attitude would be to actively listen to the client and then to repeat to them what they just said in your own words so that they feel like they are being heard and understood.
o   Another example would be to be more personable with the client by asking them how are they doing and if they can help them in any way
·      How will you incorporate what you have learned from this encounter into future experiences, either in the SIM lab or in an actual clinical situation?
o   From what I have learned from this experience is that in the future I should try harder to make sure that the client is being heard and understood


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