Rachelle's Story with MS - Neuro Note #3

   For my third neuro note, I watched a video on YouTube called Multiple Sclerosis: Mother living in Aged Care. I chose this documentary because I am doing my media project on MS and I wanted to get a better understanding of what a day in the life of someone with this condition looks like and to gain more knowledge as a future OT working with this population. This documentary followed the story of a woman named Rachelle who is 43-years-old and has been diagnosed with MS for 10 years. She lives in a geriatric nursing facility. Some of her goals are to be able to work again, be active with her children, and to ride horses again. She also had poor care at the facility she was in as she obtained a severe pressure ulcer on her back. She had many barriers like losing contact with her family and not having any independence. She suffered from depression also while being in an aged care facility but because of her best friend, she was able to get out of that facility. 
   This video allowed me to see how important OT is for those with MS. Rachelle had many goals that she wanted to achieve. She wanted more independence and to be able to spend time with her children. An OT could have also worked with her in hippotherapy since that is what she did prior to her diagnosis and horses are something she found a lot of joy in. In this video, I learned more about the psychological and emotional toll that MS can have on a person and it is important to take that into account during therapy. Rachelle did not have anyone for emotional support during her time in the aged facility except for her best friend and that is why it is essential for me, as a future OT, to be able to use my therapeutic use of self. 

Learn more on Rachelle's story: 


Attitude. (2016, July 26). Retrieved August 16, 2019, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoUMW4IV_uc&t=1543s


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